Deeper Knowledge of Family Constellation Therapy

stage of therapy

Some Important Phases Used in Family Constellation Therapy


1. “Tell me more about that.”

  • Usage: This open-ended statement encourages the client to expand on their thoughts and feelings, allowing for a deeper exploration of their experiences.

2. “How does that make you feel?”

  • Usage: Therapists frequently ask this question to help clients connect with their emotions and gain insight into their emotional responses.

3. “What’s been on your mind lately?”

  • Usage: This question invites clients to share what’s been bothering them or occupying their thoughts, providing a starting point for discussion.

4. “Can you describe that in more detail?”

  • Usage: Therapists use this statement to encourage clients to provide specific information or delve deeper into a particular issue or memory.

5. “It’s okay to feel that way.”

  • Usage: This reassuring statement validates the client’s emotions, helping them feel heard and accepted without judgment.

6. “What do you think might be the underlying cause of this?”

  • Usage: Therapists use this question to explore the root causes of a client’s thoughts, feelings, or behaviours, aiming to uncover patterns or triggers.

7. “Let’s take a moment to breathe and centre ourselves.”

  • Usage: Therapists may guide clients through relaxation techniques or mindfulness exercises to help them manage stress and anxiety during sessions.

8. “What do you hope to achieve through therapy?”

  • Usage: This question encourages clients to clarify their goals and expectations for therapy, fostering a sense of purpose and direction.

9. “Tell me about your support system.”

  • Usage: Therapists inquire about a client’s relationships and social support to understand the client’s broader context and sources of support.

10. “How would you like to see things change?”

  • Usage: This question prompts clients to envision a desired outcome or change in their lives, helping them set therapeutic goals.

11. “I hear what you’re saying.”

  • Usage: This statement acknowledges that the therapist is actively listening and validates the client’s communication.

12. “What coping strategies have you tried in the past?”

  • Usage: Therapists inquire about the client’s previous efforts to manage challenges, providing insight into their coping skills and resilience.

13. “Let’s explore that further.”

  • Usage: Therapists use this statement to guide clients in examining specific thoughts, behaviours, or feelings that may require deeper exploration.

14. “You are not alone in this.”

  • Usage: This statement conveys empathy and reassures clients that they have support on their therapeutic journey.

15. “What are your strengths?”

  • Usage: Therapists help clients recognize and build on their strengths and resilience as they work toward personal growth and healing.

These statements and phrases are integral to the therapeutic process, facilitating communication, reflection, and insight. They create a supportive and safe space for clients to explore their thoughts and emotions, fostering healing and personal growth.

These phrases should not be used except in therapy, they may have adverse effects.

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Charka Healing is a process by which you can become more aligned to the universal force and all your visualization will take place.
Charka Healing is a process by which you can become more aligned to the universal force and all your visualization will take place.